Colorado Springs Nitrous Sedation

Welcome to Apple Grove Dental! Our experienced team of dentists, hygienists, dental assistants, and patient coordinators provides the highest quality of dental care in Colorado Springs, CO. Our practice offers a wide range of dental services including nitrous sedation. We strive to ensure that all of our patients have a comfortable and pleasant experience. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us or fill out our contact form today to schedule an appointment (719) 259-1592

Nitrous Sedation in Dentistry

At Apple Grove Dental, we understand there is often anxiety when it comes to dental care. We strive to deliver the best dental care in a setting that puts our patients at comfort and ease.

Nitrous oxide, often referred to as “laughing gas,” is a safe and effective sedative agent that is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a small mask that fits over your nose. It’s commonly used to help patients relax during dental procedures.

Benefits of Nitrous Sedation

Relaxation and Anxiety Reduction: Nitrous oxide helps patients feel more relaxed and less anxious during dental procedures, making the experience more comfortable.

Quick Onset and Recovery: The effects of nitrous oxide are usually felt within minutes, and the sedation wears off quickly once the mask is removed, allowing patients to drive themselves home afterward.

Adjustable Levels of Sedation: The level of sedation can be easily adjusted by the dentist during the procedure to ensure the patient remains comfortable and relaxed.

Minimal Side Effects: Nitrous oxide is considered very safe, with minimal side effects. Some patients may experience mild nausea, dizziness, or headaches, but these effects are rare and typically short-lived.

Suitable for All Ages: Nitrous sedation is safe for both children and adults and is often used for patients who may have a fear of the dentist or need a more comfortable dental experience.

Contraindications: Nitrous oxide is not recommended for patients who have respiratory issues such as COPD, are pregnant, or have undergone ear surgery.


Is nitrous oxide safe?

Yes, nitrous oxide is considered very safe when administered by a trained dental professional. It has been used safely in dentistry for many years.  Nitrous oxide is not recommended for patients who have respiratory issues such as COPD, are pregnant, or have undergone ear surgery.

Will I be unconscious during the procedure?

No, nitrous oxide will help you relax, but you will be awake and able to respond to the dentist’s instructions.

How long does the effect of nitrous oxide last?

The effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly once the mask is removed, allowing you to resume normal activities shortly after the procedure.

Can I eat before receiving nitrous oxide sedation?

It’s generally recommended to avoid eating a large meal within two hours of receiving nitrous oxide sedation to reduce the risk of nausea.

Will I feel any pain during the procedure with nitrous oxide?

Nitrous oxide helps to relax you and reduce discomfort, but local anesthesia may also be used to numb the area being treated to ensure a pain-free experience.

Nitrous oxide sedation is a safe and effective option for patients who experience anxiety or fear about dental procedures. It provides relaxation and comfort during treatment, allowing for a more positive dental experience. If you have any concerns or questions about nitrous oxide sedation, be sure to discuss them with your Apple Grove dentist. Call us or fill out our contact form today to schedule an appointment.