Taking your child to the dentist can oftentimes feel like a chore or an effort in futility. You know that they need to go to the dentist, but it sometimes feels so difficult to get them to go that it doesn’t seem worth it. In order to have a more enjoyable experience and for your child to finally like going to the dentist, you may want to consider switching over to a pediatric dentist. Pediatric dentists are specific to children’s dentistry, so they are in an environment that is warm, comfortable and suited for them.

Why Your Child Should See a Pediatric Dentist

Unlike a general dentist who is able to see children and adults alike, a pediatric dentist only works with kids, toddlers and babies. Oftentimes, the office is geared towards kids and is fun, bright and full of life. The area where the child will be seen may have some of their favorite cartoon characters so that they can actually look forward to being there. In general, the atmosphere is more relaxed and less scary, making the experience of taking your child to the dentist a whole lot less daunting. For these reasons, it is a good idea to get your kid out of the general dentist’s office and into a pediatric one.

How to Find the Right Professional

Just because you know that pediatric dentists are the preferred choice for kids doesn’t mean that every single one of them is going to be the right option. You still need to look to see which doctor is best suited to your child’s needs. If you have a special needs child, it is crucial that you find an office specific to this particular need. You should also read reviews, ask friends and family and consult with different offices before simply taking your child there.

Things to Consider in a Pediatric Dentist

There are several different things to take into consideration in a dental office. First, you need an office that is specific to your child’s needs. If your child is a baby or toddler, you need an office that is able to handle smaller kids. If you have a special needs child, the office has to be able to handle your child when they come in for their bi-annual visits. Don’t be afraid to ask for a consultation with the dentist before your child simply goes and sees them, as this can help to prevent a problem when you get into their office for a visit.

The pediatric dentist is there to make your child’s dental care a lot less scary and more comfortable for everyone involved. The key with getting your kids to go to the dentist without a problem is to do it often. Make sure to keep up with their bi-annual appointments and get them the cleanings that they need to keep their smiles looking healthy and bright. The pediatric dentist will also be able to give helpful recommendations for any issues that your child may have or when it is time for them to go see an orthodontist. This is a good time to research different pediatric dentists in your area and choose the one that is the right fit for your family when it is time to get routine dental care.

It would probably be hard to find a person that does not care about keeping their teeth nice and white. Clean, white teeth are usually part of a good first impression. Teeth whitening has grown in popularity during recent years. There are lots of different options people have for getting their teeth whitened. It’s easy to get confused about wha works and what does not work. Furthermore many people have questions about how often they have to go back to have the work done again.

Perhaps the most popular method for teeth whitening is in-office bleaching. In-office bleeching usually yields very good results. These procedures are done in the dentist office and can usually be completed very quickly. These options usually are on the expensive side but they can save patients lots of time. There are four basic options dentist offer- take home kits, zoom teeth whitening, boost and veeners.

Dentist have the ability to offer take home kits for teeth whitening. Patients have the option using a kit designed or their specific needs. These kits may seem similar to those sold in stores but they usually contain a different level of certain chemicals. Generally it takes one to two weeks to see an impact although that time can vary based on the strength of bleaching agent. These kits will cost customers anywhere from $150-$200.

Zoom teeth whitening is also another popular method for whitening teeth. This procedure can only be completed at a dentist. Zoom teeth whitening uses a special gel that is one fourth hydrogen peroxide. This gel is used together with a special lamp. The procedure itself will take from forty-five minutes to an hour. The results are instant. You should probably expect to spend at least five-hundred dollars if you use this method.

Boost is another very well known procedure for whitening teeth. Boosts also consist of using a a hydrogen peroxide based gel. This gel has the power to bleach the teeth without the help any special light. The results are also immediate, however patients may be in the office a little longer. This procedure usually last between one and two hours. The cost is similar to Zoom. Expect to spend around $500.

In some cases stains will not respond to bleaching. In these cases veneers are an excellent option. Veneers do require multiple visits to insure just the right look. Typically this process takes a couple of weeks. Perhaps the biggest con for veneers is the cost. Veneers will usually run between seven hundred to one thousand dollars for each tooth.

There are a few options for those people who are looking to avoid the dentist office. These options include teeth whitening trays and gels, teeth whitening strips and toothpastes. The trays and gels appear to be the most effective method from these groups. The results will take longer that a doctors visit. They also require keeping things in your mouth for several hours a day. While these options can work they usually take longer and do not yield quite the same results as the options a dentists can provide.

Getting perfectly white teeth is an important part of feeling and looking your best. Unfortunately, many people do not have the money that is needed to obtain and maintain a healthy smile. For this reason, whitening strips are incredibly beneficial and can do wonders for removing years worth of stains from your enamel. There are several different whitening products on the market, making it easier than ever to pick and choose the product that is best suited to your needs.

How to Pick a Whitening Product

The best way to pick whitening strips is to choose a product based on its price as well as its effectiveness. You can either read reviews that have been written by people who have actually used the product or you can compare a product based on its claims. Most whitening strips will whiten teeth roughly four to seven shades, so you may want to consider using an enamel chart to see how well the product is working for you. As with any other product, it is important to be consistent when using the whitening strips to get them to work effectively. You can’t use just one strip on your teeth and expect the results to be spectacular.

How to Use the Whitening Strips

The best way to use the whitening strips is to use them once a day for roughly 30 minutes. You will need to exhaust all of the strips in the box that you’ve purchased for the product to be effective. It is also important that you read any directions on the actual package that you purchase because not every whitening strip product is the same. Some need to be worn for 60 minutes a day while others only need to be worn for 15 minutes. Also, expect your teeth and gums to be more sensitive during the course of the whitening treatment, since the active products in the strips will cause sensitivity issues.

Because it can be expensive to whiten your teeth professionally at a dental office, whitening strips are your next best option and can do wonders for removing years worth of stains from your enamel. They will help you to get the job done effectively without it being a burden or without it being overly expensive. It is important that you do not whiten your teeth more than once or twice a year because this can damage your sensitive enamel and cause major sensitivity issues that are more permanent in nature.


As always, ask your dental provider about the different products available to you and which options they recommend to you. If you have dental work in the front of your mouth, such as veneers or crowns, keep in mind that whitening strips will not whiten these. You will need to have them permanently changed by your dental provider in order to lighten the shade. By taking good care of your teeth, using whitening strips and maintaining the new look with whitening toothpaste, you will have a killer smile that people admire. You will also find that when your smile looks better, you feel more confident about the way that you look and are more apt to talk to people because you aren’t self-conscious about the way that your teeth look due to staining and yellowing.

DIY Teeth Whitening

White teeth are attractive and your teeth can have a huge effect on your self esteem. When they are not as white as they could be that can play a role in whether or not you even smile around other people. If you choose to avoid smiling just because of yellow or stained teeth, people can assume that you are a sad or angry person even when this is not true. Here are some great DIY Teeth Whitening options to get you confident and smiling again. Aiming to have your teeth a bit whiter than the whites of your eyes is a good rule of thumb.

For dramatic whitening of several shades, you may want to try a tray based system that allows you to wear the trays filled with the whitening gel for a couple hours daily or overnight. This method takes time to see the effects however, they can be dramatic. If your teeth are noticeably yellow, this might be the best option for you. For those who don’t like the whitening tray option, whitening gels and strips are an affordable option to whiten your teeth with little effort. It is important to follow the directions to see the best possible results. Like other options, the results from your whitening efforts with strips and gels will be temporary. The results last between 3 and 4 months before you will need to redo the treatment.

When you just need a small boost for your already white teeth or need just one shade of whitening, over the counter whitening toothpastes will fill your needs. Do not be fooled, whitening toothpastes that you buy over the counter can only whiten your teeth by one shade and they can lift lighter stains. If you are close to the level of white you want and just need a shade whiter, these toothpastes are a quick, economical, and good option that typically cost just $3 to $10.

Whitening mouthwashes and rinses can help boost your smile but it takes about 2 or 3 months to see the difference. However, whitening mouthwashes and rinses can be gentle, often allowing you to avoid irritation and sensitivity for just $4 to $10. Whitening pens may help you remove stains if you treat the stain quickly and can help you whiten on the go. They are cheap and convenient, costing about $1 to $10. You may see quicker results if you combine this option with an over the counter toothpaste.

If you find that you experience sensitivity, you can choose shorter whitening times and brush with a toothpaste especially made for sensitive teeth. If your gums are irritated, it is most likely because over the counter whitening trays are not custom fit or the whitening chemicals are spending too much time in contact with your gums. You may need to just reduce the amount of time you spend whitening your teeth or choose another method.

Be certain to avoid ingredients that you are allergic to. To keep your teeth looking their best, make sure to maintain your white smile with proper care, brushing at least twice a day, if not three times daily and flossing daily. You can maintain your whiter results for as long as possible by using proper dental hygiene and avoiding foods and drinks that stain the teeth.

Dental Implants: What Are They And What Types Are There?

Dental implants replace tooth roots and are implanted surgically. Similar to dentures, dental implants are used to replace a single tooth to full sets of teeth. Dental implants create a permanent foundation to attach permanent or removable teeth. Dental implants are metal posts (usually made of titanium or titanium alloy) that are surgically implanted into the jaw bone and have a screw-like appearance protruding in the mouth. The connector, known as an abutment, connects the crown to the implant.

There are two main types of dental implants available today. We will talk a little about them and their benefits.

Endosteal Dental Implants

This type of dental implant is the more commonly used type of dental implant. Used by patients who have a strong jawbone, endosteal dental implants are beneficial to patients who are healthy. As previously mentioned, it is made from titanium or titanium alloy and is to be fused directly with the jawbone.

Subperiosteal Dental Implants

Unlike the endosteal dental implant, subperiosteal implants are implanted in the gums but above the jawbone. This type of implant is for patients who do not have a strong jawbone and cannot support an endosteal implant. In a subperiosteal dental implant procedure, surgeons drill into the gum tissue and insert a metal frame above the jawbone. Once completed, the metal frame can now be used to attach the posts to be connected to crowns.


Whether you undergo an endosteal or subperiosteal dental implant procedure, both implants have beneficial advantages. One advantage of dental implants is that their appearance gives the patient a more natural smile. Because they are surgically implanted, they become permanent fusing with the natural bone and gums in the mouth. Another advantage with dental implants is the ability to eat easier. In contrast to dentures, dental implants will not slide off your mouth while eating. This will give a patient a more pleasant eating experience. Durability is another beneficial advantage of dental implants over dentures. Because they are made of titanium, dental implants will last a lifetime with proper care and maintenance.


Dental implants do cost more than dentures since surgery is involved. Closely monitoring a patient’s recovery, especially with those who have underlying conditions can also add to the cost associated with getting a dental implant. Depending on the dental implant and everything associated with it, a complete dental implant can start at $4,000.00 US Dollars and up. Depending on a patient’s health insurance, generally, it is not normally covered. Again, this is all dependent on the cause of the tooth loss in the first place. Despite the cost, many dentists will recommend a dental implant as opposed to dentures. Because dental implants are permanent and become part of the patient’s body, less maintenance is involved than that of those who wear dentures. More often than not, dentures tend to need replacing every so often due to various reasons from the material used to normal wear and tear.

As we discussed above, endosteal and subperiosteal dental implants are the two main types of dental implants that patients frequently undergo. When considering if dental implants are right for you, visit your health professional to be assessed if you are eligible to undergo the procedure.