Making a Difference

At Apple Grove Dental, we believe that making a difference in the world starts with our local community. The Apple Grove Dental team is committed to improving the lives of our patients, supporting our community, and making a positive impact globally.

Locally, Dr. Toan Chung is an active member of the Colorado Springs Dental Society and served as past-president. Apple Grove Dental has visited local schools to provide education to students and their families on the importance of good oral hygiene. We have also donated dental supplies and funds to many community programs that provide better access to care. We believe everyone deserves access to quality dental care, and we’re proud to support programs that make this possible in our own community.

Our commitment to making a difference also extends beyond our Colorado Springs community. We have partnered with World Vision, a renowned humanitarian organization that operates internationally, to support efforts that provide clean water and ensure safe communities around the world. 

We directly support projects in Rwanda and Honduras, where we’re helping to fund projects that build wells, install water pumps, and provide education on hygiene and sanitation practices. Dr. Chung has visited some of the communities where World Vision is working in Honduras and has seen firsthand how clean water can be life-changing for those community members. Clean water efforts not only provide immediate relief, but also create a lasting impact by improving health, reducing poverty, and empowering individuals and families. Access to clean water also lays the groundwork for further economic empowerment projects. 

We’re incredibly proud to be a part of these initiatives and to work alongside our patients, community members, and partners to make a difference in the world. When you choose Apple Grove Dental, you’re not just choosing exceptional dental care, you’re also joining us in our mission to create a healthier, happier world for everyone.

Dr. Toan Chung

Dr. Toan Chung has experienced firsthand the impact of World Vision’s life-changing efforts. His family was rescued by World Vision from the South China Sea when they fled Vietnam as boat people in 1979. Dr. Chung wants to continue World Vision’s positive impact on millions of lives around the world. For more information on how you can help, visit