DIY Teeth Whitening

White teeth are attractive and your teeth can have a huge effect on your self esteem. When they are not as white as they could be that can play a role in whether or not you even smile around other people. If you choose to avoid smiling just because of yellow or stained teeth, people can assume that you are a sad or angry person even when this is not true. Here are some great DIY Teeth Whitening options to get you confident and smiling again. Aiming to have your teeth a bit whiter than the whites of your eyes is a good rule of thumb.

For dramatic whitening of several shades, you may want to try a tray based system that allows you to wear the trays filled with the whitening gel for a couple hours daily or overnight. This method takes time to see the effects however, they can be dramatic. If your teeth are noticeably yellow, this might be the best option for you. For those who don’t like the whitening tray option, whitening gels and strips are an affordable option to whiten your teeth with little effort. It is important to follow the directions to see the best possible results. Like other options, the results from your whitening efforts with strips and gels will be temporary. The results last between 3 and 4 months before you will need to redo the treatment.

When you just need a small boost for your already white teeth or need just one shade of whitening, over the counter whitening toothpastes will fill your needs. Do not be fooled, whitening toothpastes that you buy over the counter can only whiten your teeth by one shade and they can lift lighter stains. If you are close to the level of white you want and just need a shade whiter, these toothpastes are a quick, economical, and good option that typically cost just $3 to $10.

Whitening mouthwashes and rinses can help boost your smile but it takes about 2 or 3 months to see the difference. However, whitening mouthwashes and rinses can be gentle, often allowing you to avoid irritation and sensitivity for just $4 to $10. Whitening pens may help you remove stains if you treat the stain quickly and can help you whiten on the go. They are cheap and convenient, costing about $1 to $10. You may see quicker results if you combine this option with an over the counter toothpaste.

If you find that you experience sensitivity, you can choose shorter whitening times and brush with a toothpaste especially made for sensitive teeth. If your gums are irritated, it is most likely because over the counter whitening trays are not custom fit or the whitening chemicals are spending too much time in contact with your gums. You may need to just reduce the amount of time you spend whitening your teeth or choose another method.

Be certain to avoid ingredients that you are allergic to. To keep your teeth looking their best, make sure to maintain your white smile with proper care, brushing at least twice a day, if not three times daily and flossing daily. You can maintain your whiter results for as long as possible by using proper dental hygiene and avoiding foods and drinks that stain the teeth.